1) HTML Marquee Codes
If you want to get someone’s attention, then you should use the marquee codes . But,don’t use it too much,particularly if your site contains too much marquee text , it irritates and spoils the concentration of the reader.You can add marquee codes to tell your visitors what will be your next updates,popular posts,advertisements,etc.
Example 1- Bouncy Text
Example 2:Scrolling text:
Example 3: Scrolling Text
WIDTH: how wide the marquee is
HEIGHT: how tall the marquee is
DIRECTION: which direction the marquee should scroll
BEHAVIOR: what type of scrolling
SCROLLDELAY: how long to delay between each jump
SCROLLAMOUNT: how far to jump
LOOP: how many times to loop
BGCOLOR: background color
HSPACE: horizontal space around the marquee
VSPACE: vertical space around the marquee
HEIGHT: how tall the marquee is
DIRECTION: which direction the marquee should scroll
BEHAVIOR: what type of scrolling
SCROLLDELAY: how long to delay between each jump
SCROLLAMOUNT: how far to jump
LOOP: how many times to loop
BGCOLOR: background color
HSPACE: horizontal space around the marquee
VSPACE: vertical space around the marquee
If you don’t like to write html code , here is Marquee Code Generator
2)E-Mail Link
If you need simple but useful email link, which will allow visitors to contact you, then you should use this html code
Example 1: E-Mail Link With Image
Example 2: Usual Email Link
Example 3: Email Link with subject
Note: “mailto:hackspc@gmail.com” in this part of the code write your email addresses
3)Submit Button Image
3)Submit Button Image
This simple code will allow you to change your submit button into image. It can be very useful, when you making input forms with submit button , which allow the user to enter information like text and similar.
4)Cool Text Effect to Create A Logo
Don’t llike to use photoshop or similar? If so, create your logo text with html.
My Cool Logo Text
For more examples , visit Cool Text Effect
5)Rare Html Tags
Here are rare html tags , which can be quite useful in certain situations.
Example 1: Acronym
When you hover over text that has the tag used, a box appears below with the text from the title tag.
PC Hacks
Example 2: ins and del
He likes LOVES PC Hacks
Example 3:blockquote
This is live demo for blockquote tag
Maximum PC
6)Creating Links Without Underlining
6)Creating Links Without Underlining
This html code will allow you to create link without underlining. It looks like this :
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